Tag Archives | Management

Limitations of Planning

Everything you need to know about the limitations of planning. Planning is a primary managerial function and an essence of doing business activities. In the absence of plans, employees work in different directions and it becomes impossible to achieve organisational goals. However, even the best of plans may go wrong because of unforeseen events and changes in the business environment. [...]

By |2019-10-21T12:01:52+05:30October 21, 2019|Planning|Comments Off on Limitations of Planning

Managerial Control

Everything you need to know about the managerial control. Control is an important function of management. It is an essential feature of scientific management. In fact much of the precision of managerial education is focused on the improvement of control techniques. It is generally used for putting restrains over the elements being controlled. In managerial terminology, control is ensuring work [...]

By |2019-10-06T07:30:27+05:30October 6, 2019|Controlling|Comments Off on Managerial Control

Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development

Everything you need know about the role of entrepreneurship in economic development. The economic development of any economy heavily depends on the accumulation and availability of fundamental resources like land labour, capital and technology. Technology in particular is contributed by the knowledge of the people in the society. The innovativeness of the entrepreneurs often lead to creation of technology paving [...]

By |2019-09-28T11:08:29+05:30September 28, 2019|Entrepreneurship|Comments Off on Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development
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