Tag Archives | Management

Bases of Departmentation

Everything you need to know about the bases of departmentation. Departmentation or departmentalization refers to (a) Dividing the total effort into operating tasks (production, sales, finance, personnel, etc.); (b) Grouping of tasks into functions, activities or jobs to be performed by individuals or groups of individuals; (c) Combining functions, sub-functions into effi­cient work groups; and (d) Combining work-groups into departments. [...]

By |2019-05-25T05:40:35+05:30May 25, 2019|Departmentation|Comments Off on Bases of Departmentation

Decision Making: Definitions, Types, Techniques, Importance and Examples

In this article we will discuss about decision making. Decision making is one of the most important functions of management. The word "decision" is derived from a Latin word "Decis" which means "Cutting away or cutting off to come to a conclusion" this is itself means that a single thing is to be brought in action by cutting off many [...]

By |2019-05-25T05:40:05+05:30May 25, 2019|Decision Making|Comments Off on Decision Making: Definitions, Types, Techniques, Importance and Examples

The Classical Approach to Management: Theory, Features, Limitations and Principles

The Classical Approach is one of the oldest approaches in management and is also known by various names, i.e., Empirical, Functional and Management Process Approach. The classical theory represents the traditional thoughts about organisations. It is based on the prototype industrial and military organisation. The theory concentrates on organisation structure and their management. The classical writers include Taylor, Fayol, Weber, [...]

By |2019-05-25T05:40:05+05:30May 25, 2019|Management|Comments Off on The Classical Approach to Management: Theory, Features, Limitations and Principles
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