Tag Archives | Management

Principles of Directing | Functions | Management

Everything you need to know about the principles of directing. Direction is the sum total of managerial efforts that is applied for guiding and inspiring the sub-ordinates to make better accomplishments in the organization. It is concerned with the motivate, leadership, supervision and commanding of sub-ordinates and securing their best cooperation. It is an art which is learned from a [...]

By |2019-05-24T09:41:13+05:30May 24, 2019|Function of Management|Comments Off on Principles of Directing | Functions | Management

Types of Economic Systems

Everything you need to know about the types of economic systems. Economic system determines the nature of state intervention in the business. Thus, economic system is an integral part of the business environment. Economic System consists of “those institutions which a given people, a nation or a group of nations have chosen or accepted as the means through which their [...]

By |2019-05-24T09:41:13+05:30May 24, 2019|Economic Systems|Comments Off on Types of Economic Systems

Barriers of Communication

Everything you need to know about Barriers of Communication. Barriers or obstacles to communication cause breakdowns, distortions and inaccurate information. In large organisations, there are a number of obstacles which make transmission of message more difficult. In both upward and downward communications, it may happen that some of the persons in the intermediate layers withhold the whole or part of [...]

By |2019-05-24T07:04:00+05:30May 24, 2019|Barriers|Comments Off on Barriers of Communication
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