Tag Archives | Management

Barriers of Communication

Communication has a special place in every organisation. Effective communication creates a favourable environment among the various people working in the enterprise which results in the establishment of industrial peace. Employees' morale gets a boost leading to increased production. However, sometimes communication does not yield the desired results. It is because some barriers appear in the process of communication. The [...]

By |2019-04-23T07:31:06+05:30March 13, 2019|Barriers of Communication|Comments Off on Barriers of Communication

The Organization Development Process

In this article we will discuss about the process of organisational development. This article will further help you to learn about: A. The process of Organisational Development involves 7 interesting approaches:- (1) Initial Consultation (2) Data Collection (3) Data Feedback and Confrontation (4) Action Planning and Problem Solving (5) Team Building or Team Formation (6) Inter-Group Development (7) Appraisal and [...]

By |2019-02-23T06:41:08+05:30February 19, 2019|Development Process|Comments Off on The Organization Development Process

Importance of Planning in Management

In this article we will discuss about the importance of planning in business, management and organizations. Planning is the first and the most important function of management. It is needed at every level of management. Without planning all the activities of a business organisation will be meaningless rendering the attainment of objectives merely a dream. Because of the increasing size [...]

By |2019-02-23T06:36:03+05:30February 19, 2019|Importance of Planning|Comments Off on Importance of Planning in Management
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