Tag Archives | Management

Company: Introduction, Evolution, Features, Classification, Formation and Advantages

The company is an instrument that unites the efforts of great number of people -shareholders, directors, members of the top management team and the functional or departmental managers and their subordin­ates. The shareholders who provide the funds for the company are commonly regarded as the 'owner' of the company and its business and property. Legally, they are not the owners; [...]

By |2020-08-04T15:57:08+05:30August 4, 2020|Company|Comments Off on Company: Introduction, Evolution, Features, Classification, Formation and Advantages

Business Ideas

Learn about: 1. Introduction to Business Ideas 2. Definitions and Features of Business Ideas 3. Need 4. Aspects 5. Sources 6. Elements of Idea Generation 7. Idea Generation Techniques 8. How to Evaluate Ideas 9. Ideation Techniques, Catalysts and Inhibitors and Opportunity Maps 10. Feasibility Analysis 11. Converting a Business Idea into a Business Opportunity. Business Ideas: Introduction, Definition, Features, [...]

By |2020-08-04T15:57:08+05:30August 4, 2020|Business Ideas|Comments Off on Business Ideas


The company is an instrument that unites the efforts of great number of people -shareholders, directors, members of the top management team and the functional or departmental managers and their subordin­ates. The shareholders who provide the funds for the company are commonly regarded as the 'owner' of the company and its business and property. Legally, they are not the owners; [...]

By |2020-08-04T15:57:08+05:30August 4, 2020|Company|Comments Off on Company
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