Tag Archives | Marketing Information System

Marketing Information System

Everything you need to know about marketing information system. A well-designed marketing information system (MIS) begins and ends with the user. The MIS first assesses information needs by interviewing the marketing managers and surveying their decision environment to determine what information is needed. The MIS next develops information and helps managers to use it more effectively. Finally, the MIS distributes [...]

By |2019-09-23T08:50:42+05:30September 23, 2019|Marketing Information System|Comments Off on Marketing Information System

Components of Marketing Information System

A well-designed marketing information system consists of four major components: 1. Internal Accounting System 2. Marketing Intelligence System 3. Marketing Research System 4. Marketing Science System. Components of Marketing Information System # 1. Internal Accounting System: In this system the marketing executive receives the historical data from accounting books on sales, costs, inventories, receivable, payables, cash inflows and outflows, funds [...]

By |2018-10-29T15:15:01+05:30October 29, 2018|Marketing Information System|Comments Off on Components of Marketing Information System
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