Tag Archives | Marketing Management

Determinants of Consumer Psychographics | Tools | Marketing Management

In this article we will discuss about the consumer psychographics, its determinants and its impact on marketing decisions. Consumer psychographic is a term used to explain the life-style of the consumer. It is a subjective tool. For instance, one has to study the life­style of the consumer in order to market expensive Raymond Terry-wool suiting. The same is true for [...]

By |2017-03-04T15:07:46+05:30March 4, 2017|Techniques|Comments Off on Determinants of Consumer Psychographics | Tools | Marketing Management

Marketing Mix: Definition, Elements and Forces | Marketing Management

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Definition of Marketing Mix 2. Elements of Marketing Mix 3. Market and Marketing Forces Governing It. Definition of Marketing Mix: Some "defini­tions" of marketing mix are given below: 1. "Marketing mix refers to the amounts and kinds of marketing vari­ables the firm is using at a particular time." [According to Philip Kotler] [...]

By |2017-03-04T15:07:46+05:30March 4, 2017|Marketing Mix|Comments Off on Marketing Mix: Definition, Elements and Forces | Marketing Management

Market Share of a Company | Company Management

In this article we will discuss about the meaning and determination of market share of a company. Meaning of Market Share: Market share is the percentage of a business's sales relative to the combined sales of all competitors in a given market. By achieving a large share of the market in which it competes, a business firm can gain important [...]

By |2017-03-04T15:07:46+05:30March 4, 2017|Company Management|Comments Off on Market Share of a Company | Company Management
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