Tag Archives | Marketing Management

Marketing Intermediaries in the Channels of Distribution

This article throws light upon the three important marketing intermediaries in the channels of distribution. The intermediaries are: 1. Retailers 2. Wholesalers 3. Market Logistics.   Marketing Intermediary # 1. Retailing: Retailing includes all the activities involved in selling goods or services directly to final consumers for their personal, non-business use. A retailer or retail store is any business enter­prise whose [...]

By |2016-11-02T05:59:48+05:30November 2, 2016|Marketing Mix|Comments Off on Marketing Intermediaries in the Channels of Distribution

Sales Forecasting: Meaning, Importance and Methods

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Meaning of Sales Forecasting 2. Importance of Sales Forecasting 3. Factors Considered 4. Types 5. Methods 6. Elements 7. Procedure 8. Selection 9. Uses 10. Statistical Data 11. Applications. Meaning of Sales Forecasting: Any forecast can be termed as an indicator of what is likely to happen in a specified future [...]

By |2016-11-02T05:59:47+05:30November 2, 2016|Forecasting|Comments Off on Sales Forecasting: Meaning, Importance and Methods

Common Routes of Product Distribution

This article throws light upon the five most common routes used for bringing products in the market. The routes are: 1. Manufacturer→ Consumer→ Channel 2. Manufacturer→ Retailer→ Ultimate Consumer 3. Manufacture→ Wholesaler→ Retailer→ Consumer 4. Manufacturer→ Agent→ Wholesaler→ Retailer→ Consumer 5. Manufacturer→ Wholesaler→ Consumer or User. Route # 1. Manufacturer→ Consumer→ Channel: (Direct Sale) There are three alternatives in direct [...]

By |2016-07-12T14:11:12+05:30July 12, 2016|Product Distribution|Comments Off on Common Routes of Product Distribution
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