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Sales Person

A salesman is an ambassador of his company to the external world. He leaves a lasting impression on those with whom he interacts and form an opinion about the company from his behaviour. A salesman is out in the field, with no direct or little direct supervision, whereas other employees have to work under close supervision. A salesman needs human [...]

By |2020-05-05T17:19:00+05:30May 5, 2020|Sales Person|Comments Off on Sales Person

What is Brand Management # Meaning, Objectives, Concepts, Strategies, Challenges and Advantages

The brand management consists of tangible and intangible elements. The tangible elements include product, price, packaging, style etc. The intangible elements include the consumer experience, customer relationship etc. Brand management plays a vital role in modern society. Learn about:- 1. Meaning of Brand Management 2. Objectives of Brand Management 3. Characteristic/Features 4. Vital Concepts 5. Types of Branding 6. Role [...]

By |2020-05-05T17:18:38+05:30May 5, 2020|Brand Management|Comments Off on What is Brand Management # Meaning, Objectives, Concepts, Strategies, Challenges and Advantages

Types of Retail Formats: Top 11 Types of Retail Formats

A format is defined as a type of retail mix that is followed or used by a set of retailers that offers some unique benefit that helps in attracting shoppers. It is the mix of variables that retailers use to develop their business strategies and constitute the mix as merchandise assortment, pricing, transactional convenience, preferential approach, channel, experience, and the [...]

By |2020-04-05T05:59:50+05:30April 5, 2020|Retail Management|Comments Off on Types of Retail Formats: Top 11 Types of Retail Formats
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