Tag Archives | Organising

Span of Management: Meaning, Factors and Theory

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Meaning of Span of Management 2. Factors Affecting Span of Management 3. Graicunas Theory. Meaning of Span of Management: Depending upon the complexity of organisational activities and relationships amongst superiors and subordinates, it becomes important the superiors manage an optimum number of subordinates that result in optimum organisational output. All the [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:56:13+05:30August 9, 2016|Fundamentals of Organising|Comments Off on Span of Management: Meaning, Factors and Theory

Why do People Join Informal Groups? (2 Reasons)

Get the answer of: Why do People Join Informal Groups? Internal Reasons: People join groups because they meet their personal needs. Groups satisfy group needs in the following ways: (a) Interpersonal Attraction: There is a basic need in human beings to care for, help and be useful to others. When people have similar attitudes, personality, economic status, values and beliefs, [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:56:12+05:30August 9, 2016|Organisation|Comments Off on Why do People Join Informal Groups? (2 Reasons)

Development of Group: 4 Stages

This article throws light upon the four main stages involved in the development of groups. The stages are: 1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. Performing. Stage # 1. Forming: The members join to form a group. They get to know each other and find behaviours which are acceptable or unacceptable to other members of the group. Forming provides structure [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:56:12+05:30August 9, 2016|Organisation|Comments Off on Development of Group: 4 Stages
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