Tag Archives | Organising

Group Cohesiveness: Determinants and Consequences

After reading this article you will learn about the determinants and consequences of group cohesiveness. Determinants of Group Cohesiveness: There are factors that increase and decrease group cohesiveness. 1. Factors that increase cohesiveness: Members of a cohesive group share common goals, remain attached to one another, conform to the group standards and unitedly work to achieve the goals. The following [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:56:12+05:30August 9, 2016|Organisation|Comments Off on Group Cohesiveness: Determinants and Consequences

Classification of Groups: 3 Types

Groups can be categorized as follows: I. Formal and informal groups, II. Primary and secondary groups and III. Small and large group. Type # 1. Formal and Informal Groups: Formal Groups: Formal groups are deliberately created to carry out specific tasks for attainment of organisational goals. These groups have clearly defined authority-responsibility relationships, communication channels, rules and regulations to govern [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:56:12+05:30August 9, 2016|Organisation|Comments Off on Classification of Groups: 3 Types

Span of Control: Importance, Principles and Factors

After reading this article you will learn about Span of Control:- 1. Importance of Span of Control or Supervision 2. Principle of span of control 3. Factors Determining. Importance of Span of Control or Supervision: How many subordinates can a manager supervise or control directly? What should be the span or range of control or supervision is a controversial problem. [...]

By |2016-07-30T09:44:04+05:30July 30, 2016|Functions|Comments Off on Span of Control: Importance, Principles and Factors
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