Tag Archives | Performance Appraisal

How to Make Appraisals Effective? (7 Measures)

This article throws light upon the seven measures which can help to make appraisals effective. 1. The barrier to subjectivity can be overcome by framing explicit performance criteria against which performance judgments will be made. Managers can also make a number of appraisals instead of one to rule out bias in ratings. 2. The appraisal targets and techniques should be [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:55:50+05:30August 9, 2016|Performance Appraisal|Comments Off on How to Make Appraisals Effective? (7 Measures)

Top 10 Methods of Performance Appraisal

This article throws light upon the top ten methods of performance appraisal of employees. The methods are: 1. Critical Incident Method 2. Weighted Checklist Method 3. Paired Comparison Analysis 4. Graphic Rating Scales 5. Essay Evaluation Method 6. Behaviourally anchored rating scales 7. Performance Ranking Method 8. Management By Objectives Method 9. Forced Ranking 10. Behavioural Observation Scales. Performance Appraisal: [...]

By |2016-07-12T14:11:11+05:30July 12, 2016|Performance Appraisal|Comments Off on Top 10 Methods of Performance Appraisal

Top 8 Methods of Performance Appraisal

This article throws light upon the top eight methods of performance appraisal. The methods are: 1. Ranking 2. Person to Person Comparison 3. Grading 4. Graphic Seals Method 5. Check List 6. Forced Choice Description Method 7. Critical Incidents Method 8. Essay Description. Performance Appraisal: Method # 1. Ranking: It is the oldest and simplest method of performance appraisal. The [...]

By |2016-06-22T16:18:02+05:30June 22, 2016|Performance Appraisal|Comments Off on Top 8 Methods of Performance Appraisal
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