Tag Archives | Planning

Marketing Planning: Definition, Types, Process, Steps and Importance

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Definition of Marketing Planning 2. Types of Marketing Planning 3. Factors 4. Difficulties 5. System 6. Process 7. Importance. Definition of Marketing Planning: The American Marketing Association has defined the marketing planning as – "Marketing planning is the work of setting up objectives for marketing activity and of determining and scheduling the [...]

By |2018-07-24T06:07:43+05:30July 24, 2018|Marketing Planning|Comments Off on Marketing Planning: Definition, Types, Process, Steps and Importance

Functions of Project Planning: 16 Functions | Project Management

The following points highlight the sixteen main functions of project planning for an organization. The functions are: 1. Market Survey 2. Project Capacity 3. Selection of Site 4. Plant Layout 5. Design and Drawing 6. Material Requirement 7. Operation Planning 8. Machine Loading 9. Sub-Contract Consideration 10. Equipment Requirement 11. Organization Layout and Staff Requirement and a Few Others. Function [...]

By |2018-03-07T07:30:31+05:30March 7, 2018|Planning|Comments Off on Functions of Project Planning: 16 Functions | Project Management

Essay on Planning: Top 7 Essays | Hindi | Functions | Management

Here is an essay on ‘Planning’ for class 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Planning’ especially written for college and management students in Hindi language. Essay on Planning Essay Contents: नियोजन का आशय (Introduction to Planning) नियोजन की परिभाषाएँ (Definitions of Planning) नियोजन के उद्देश्य (Objects of Planning) आदर्श नियोजन के आवश्यक तत्व अथवा श्रेष्ठ नियोजन [...]

By |2017-07-22T11:23:16+05:30July 22, 2017|Essays|Comments Off on Essay on Planning: Top 7 Essays | Hindi | Functions | Management
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