Tag Archives | Process

Process of Strategic Planning: 8 Steps

This article throws light upon the eight main steps involved in the process of strategic planning. The steps are: 1. Objective Formulation 2. Analyse the Impact of Environment 3. Analyse Resource Position of the Firm 4. Establish Alternative Strategies 5. Evaluate Alternative Strategies 6. Choice of a Strategy 7. Implement the Strategy 8. Measurement and Control of Strategy. Step # [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:56:16+05:30August 9, 2016|Strategic Planning|Comments Off on Process of Strategic Planning: 8 Steps

Organization Structure of a Company

This article throws light upon the two main types of organisation structure of a company. The types are: 1. Functional Structure 2. Divisionalised Structure.   Type # 1. Functional Structure: All work of the same kind is put into one managerial unit. Every company starts with a basic functional organisation. When business is small, products range is narrow, market is [...]

By |2016-07-30T09:44:05+05:30July 30, 2016|Structure|Comments Off on Organization Structure of a Company

8 Main Steps Involved in Planning Process

This article throws light upon the eight main steps involved in the planning process of an organisation. The steps are: 1. Perception of Opportunities 2. Establishing Objectives 3. Planning Premises 4. Identification of Alternatives 5. Evaluation of Alternatives 6. Choice of Alternative Plans 7. Formulation of Supporting Plan 8. Establishing Sequence of Activities. Step # 1. Perception of Opportunities: Perception [...]

By |2016-06-22T16:18:04+05:30June 22, 2016|Planning|Comments Off on 8 Main Steps Involved in Planning Process
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