Tag Archives | Product Promotion

Which is the Best Medium of Advertisement?

This article will help you to make comparison among radio, TV and print media. Radio Vs. TV Vs. Print Media: The advent of electronic communication has resulted in a veritable media explosion. New technologies are constantly being developed. But the radio still is an effective medium which reaches the rich as well as poor, to both literate and illiterate at [...]

By |2016-12-04T08:09:35+05:30December 4, 2016|Advertisement|Comments Off on Which is the Best Medium of Advertisement?

Top 8 Ways for Advertising Your Products

This article throws light upon the top eight types of media or ways you can use for advertising your products. The types are: 1. Print Media 2. Broadcast Media 3. Outdoor Media 4. Transit Media 5. Mail Media (Direct Advertising) 6. Speciality Advertising 7. Motion Picture Media (Advertising)—Cinema 8. Sales Promotion Media. Way # 1. Print Media: Print media includes [...]

By |2016-12-04T08:09:35+05:30December 4, 2016|Advertisement|Comments Off on Top 8 Ways for Advertising Your Products

Unique Selling Preposition (USP)

The concept of unique selling preposition (USP) was developed by Rosser Reeves, former chair of the Ted Bates agency, and is described in his influential book Reality in Advertising. Reeves noted three characteristics of unique selling proposition: 1. Each advertising must make a proposition to the consumer not just words, not just product puffery, not just show window advertising. Each [...]

By |2016-12-04T08:09:34+05:30December 4, 2016|Advertisement|Comments Off on Unique Selling Preposition (USP)
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