Tag Archives | Product Promotion

Advertising of Products: 5 Models | Management

This article throws light upon the five main communication models for advertising of products. The models are: 1. AIDA Model 2. Lavidge & Steiner Model/Hierarchy of Effect Model 3. Innovation Adoption Model 4. Information Processing Model 5. Operational Model. Communication Model # 1. AIDA Model: It was developed to represent the stages a sales person must take a customer through [...]

By |2016-12-04T08:09:38+05:30December 4, 2016|Advertisement|Comments Off on Advertising of Products: 5 Models | Management

Principles of Advertising Process | Management

This article throws light upon the three principles of advertising process. The principles are: 1. Memory & Law of Repetition 2. Remembering and the Law of Primacy 3. Memory and Law of Recency Principle # 1. Memory & Law of Repetition : It mean that more times the message is being repeated, the changes of being remembered increases. Fig. 12.9 [...]

By |2016-12-04T08:09:38+05:30December 4, 2016|Advertisement|Comments Off on Principles of Advertising Process | Management

Advertising Classification of Products | Management

The nature and purpose of advertising differ from one industry to another and lor across situations. The targets of an organisation's advertising efforts often vary, as do its role and function in the marketing programme. One advertiser may seek to generate immediate response or action from the customer; another may want to develop awareness or a positive image for its [...]

By |2016-12-04T08:09:38+05:30December 4, 2016|Marketing|Comments Off on Advertising Classification of Products | Management
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