Tag Archives | Products

What is Demand? | Economics

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Meaning of Demand 2. Components of Demand 3. Company Demand 4. Market Demand 5. Company Potential 6. Market Potential. Meaning of Demand: In evaluating the marketing opportunities, the step is to estimate total market demand. According to Philip Kotler, "Market demand for a product is the total volume that would be [...]

By |2016-12-04T08:09:41+05:30December 4, 2016|Economics|Comments Off on What is Demand? | Economics

Essay on Advertising in India

Essay on Advertising in India! With the liberalization policy followed by government and subsequent entry of multinationals in India, the true marketing came to India. Advertising changed a lot at the same time. Because of intense competition, the advertising budget increased multifold. The admen believe that in 21st century the advertising will make world go round; that the power and [...]

By |2016-12-04T08:09:40+05:30December 4, 2016|Advertising|Comments Off on Essay on Advertising in India

Essay on Quality Control of Products: Top 13 Essays

After reading this essay you will learn about:- 1. Meaning and Definitions of Quality Control 2. Quality Control Organisation 3. Advantages of Quality Control 4. Quality Control for Export 5. Indian Standard Institution 6. Quality Assurance 7. Causes of Quality Failures 8. Economics of Quality 9. Product Quality Analysis 10. Quality Planning 11. Quality Improvement 12. Quality Management System 13. [...]

By |2016-11-02T06:00:48+05:30November 2, 2016|Production|Comments Off on Essay on Quality Control of Products: Top 13 Essays
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