Tag Archives | Strategies

Investment Strategies Adopted by a Firm | Portfolio Management

The following points highlight the top six investment strategies adopted by a firm. The strategies are: 1. Asset Allocation Strategies 2. Constant Proportion 3. Constant Mix 4. Rupee Cost Averaging 5. Value Cost Averaging. 1. Asset Allocation Strategies: Asset allocation refers to the process of allocating the investments between different asset classes. Asset allocation is an investment strategy by systematically [...]

By |2017-10-09T08:51:41+05:30October 9, 2017|Strategies|Comments Off on Investment Strategies Adopted by a Firm | Portfolio Management

Functional Strategies of a Firm | Essay | Strategic Management

Read this essay to learn about the functional strategies of a firm:- 1. Marketing 2. Finance 3. Production 4. Total Quality Management-TQM- Considerations 5. Research and Development 6. Purchasing 7. Human Resources 8. Information Systems Management.   1. Essay on Marketing: Marketing consists of four dimensions or "four P's" price, promotion, product/service, and place (i.e., channels of distribution). The particular generic [...]

By |2017-07-01T10:08:40+05:30July 1, 2017|Business Strategies|Comments Off on Functional Strategies of a Firm | Essay | Strategic Management

Business Strategies of a Firm | Essay | Strategic Management

Read this essay to learn about the frameworks that serve as good starting points for developing business strategies. Essay # 1. Porter's Generic Strategies: Michael Porter developed the most commonly cited generic strategy framework. According to Porter's typology a business unit must address two basic competitive concerns. First, managers must determine whether the business unit should focus its efforts on [...]

By |2017-07-01T10:07:54+05:30July 1, 2017|Business Strategies|Comments Off on Business Strategies of a Firm | Essay | Strategic Management
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