Tag Archives | Training

Types of Employee Training | Employee Management

Everything you need to know about the types of training provided to employees in an organisation. Training is a short-term process of utilising a systematic and organised procedure by which non-managerial personnel learn technical knowledge and skills for definite purpose. After the employee has been selected, placed, and introduced, he must be trained. Very few managers can escape from a [...]

By |2019-02-23T06:38:54+05:30February 19, 2019|Employee Training|Comments Off on Types of Employee Training | Employee Management

Methods for Training Employees

There are different methods of training considered by organisations depending upon the nature of job at different levels of an organisation. Organisations need to design and implement appropriate training programs that could be beneficial for the organisational management and the employees. The forms and types of employee training methods are interrelated. It is difficult, if not impossible, to say which [...]

By |2019-02-23T07:51:52+05:30February 4, 2019|Training|Comments Off on Methods for Training Employees

Techniques Used for Training Employees | Human Resource Management

The various training methods/techniques have been divided into two categories: 1. On the Job Training 2. Off the Job Training. 1. On the Job Training: The most common method used for training non-managerial employees is on the job training (OJT). In fact, one estimate suggests that organizations spend three to six times more on OJT than on classroom training. 'On [...]

By |2017-11-14T06:26:55+05:30November 14, 2017|Techniques|Comments Off on Techniques Used for Training Employees | Human Resource Management
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